Our little family with Santa
The YUMMY food!
The "Adult" Table

She was just so sad

Grandpa to the rescue

The "kids"table

Connor is obsessed with Brady

Grandpa to the rescue

The "kids"table

Connor is obsessed with Brady

Connor had Bridger

A fun Cars set

Audrey had Connor

A fun Cars set

Audrey had Connor

A Batman Helicopter

Alexia was so cute about her gift

Alexia was so cute about her gift

So fun

Sadie's gift from Alexia

I had a feeling I was going to love these pretty wrapped gifts!

Sadie's gift from Alexia

I had a feeling I was going to love these pretty wrapped gifts!

I was right!!!

Matt's first "gift" from my dad

Yes, that is a Santa hat with Santa Boxer shorts. I got teased just a little - ok I still haven't heard the end of it:)

The real gift, an amazing snow shovel

I had my mom

Yeah! MAC eyeshadow!!

Matt had my Dad

My Dad looks so good in Abercrombie shirts

Santa came to visit and Sophie didn't know what to do

She was pushing his hand away - I don't know if Muffin will get anything from Santa now!

Matt's first "gift" from my dad

Yes, that is a Santa hat with Santa Boxer shorts. I got teased just a little - ok I still haven't heard the end of it:)

The real gift, an amazing snow shovel

I had my mom

Yeah! MAC eyeshadow!!

Matt had my Dad

My Dad looks so good in Abercrombie shirts

Santa came to visit and Sophie didn't know what to do

She was pushing his hand away - I don't know if Muffin will get anything from Santa now!

Connor was so cute with Santa

The hug that reassured Connor he would indeed get his Batman Cave

The hug that reassured Connor he would indeed get his Batman Cave

Sadie was darling with Santa

Yep, she knew now that LuLu the Cat was hers!

Yep, she knew now that LuLu the Cat was hers!

Singing Christmas Carols

The grandkids and Whit with Santa

Us by my mom's gorgeous tree

The grandkids and Whit with Santa

Us by my mom's gorgeous tree

A nice dinner

Our gifts for Whit

Connor got some of his own Halloween Candy and gave it to her!

Happy 15 Whitney!

A nice dinner

Our gifts for Whit

Connor got some of his own Halloween Candy and gave it to her!

Happy 15 Whitney!
The Peterson Christmas Party was so much fun. We had the best food, and the gift exchange was so much fun. Everyone got such nice gifts for each other. Then we watched our favorite Christmas show together! And, guess who showed up - SANTA CLAUSE! The kids were beyond excited! He called each child's name and gave them a gift. The Grandkids were thrilled!
Then we were also able to help celebrate Whitney's 15th Birthday! She is just beautiful inside and out! I love my little sister so much!