Sadie has said the cutest things that she has learned from Primary.
"Mom, I learned about the Holy Ghost today. He's not a scary ghost, he is a friendly ghost that helps me say my prayers."
For birthday's the Bishop gives them a card and if they take it to His office then they get a treat, so Sadie said, "I need to take my card to the President to get my treat."
When Sadie got done saying her prayers she looked up at me and said, "I really felt the Spirit, I really felt the Gospel."
"Mom, Heavenly Father is really important to the Gospel."
"Mom, I know who baptized Jesus, John the baptized"
And, the other day Connor was wearing his Scooby Doo underwear and he was being so naughty and I asked him if he wanted a spankin and he looked up ready to cry and said, "No mom, don't spank Scooby Doo!"
Sadie has lost like 5 teeth already. Well, the last couple we haven't been able to find to put under her pillow, so the last one she lost it wasn't were she put it and she was so frustrated that she yelled, "I'm sick of losing my teeth!"
Monday, September 22, 2008
What They Learn in Church
Posted by
Jennifer Payne
4:20 PM