Monday, August 25, 2008


Avery with the kids

Josh and Megan with Sophie

Sophie was just staring at Josh

Josh and me

My cousin Josh and I have been close since we were little. We were always so excited when we got to be together. Our favorite thing to do was play He-Man and She-ra together. I was so sad when Josh had to move to Arizona. But, I'll never forget one day in the mail I got a package and on the return address it said from "Trueness". He had taped like 5 or 6 episodes of He-Man and She-ra for me and sent the tape. He has always been there for me and we just have a really special bond. He and his beautiful wife Megan came over and were able to see Sophie. Their little girl Avery is so darling and played so good with the kids. We ate Chipotle and went swimming. Thanks for coming you guys, you are always "true"!!