Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"Please Don't Take The Girl..."

Connor picked Lexi a flower

Connor and Lexi sneaking our Sonic's

The song, "Please, Don't Take the Girl" by Tim McGraw is such a good song, but it does not apply to Connor. His best friend is a girl and he doesn't care who knows it:)!
Connor and Lexi have become the cutest friends in the world. They go swimming together everyday and lately Lexi has been able to come with us to the park and ice cream. It has been so fun to have her with us. The other day we were walking to the park and Connor picked Lexi a flower and gave it to her, so I had to get a picture. And, they always still our drinks so Natalie caught them in the act!
The other day Connor and Sadie were talking about how they wanted to live at home forever. I told them they could until they got married. Connor looked up with me with his big puppy dog eyes - so concerned and said, "But, I want to mawwy (marry) you mom." I just grabbed him and hugged him and said, "I know buddy!!" It melted my heart!